The New Human Being 1 to 1
Weekly remote meetings to approach your life with clarity
Through Sentidu, my method, you will evolve into a New Human Being
Sentidu – an ancient Sardinian word that means “the ability of the soul to see things as they really are” – is a revolutionary approach to life through which you will evolve into a New Human Being, by going through an extraordinary evolutionary life experience, that will help you solve your problems faster and without going through the process of self-demolition.
Sentidu takes you on an eye-opening inner journey
- It helps you to understand how to fully enjoy your life.
- It supports you in anchoring yourself to something meaningful: you.
- It guides you to connect with the right people.
- It empowers you to behave in a sane and healthy way.
Through Sentidu
You will
- reorganize the areas of your life where you feel stuck
- ride the waves of change without being overwhelmed by events
- be free from internal and external damaging influences
- use your skills to their fullest potential
- develop new skills −using dreams as a communication tool and for guidance, mastering your energy to boost your mental and physical states and to manage relationships for positive outcomes.
Remember: you don’t really need to suffer in order to learn who knows what useful life lessons. You already possess an internal set of guidelines and wisdom.
I will teach you how to read them so that you will thrive and won’t be pre-defined anymore by outside sources.
Through our conversations
I will guide you in reaching the deepest aspects of your being and experiencing the process of renewal.
Everything will suddenly fall into place, and you will feel an extraordinary peace.
You will liberate yourself from your family’s toxic emotional inheritance which is fundamental in emotionally detaching from the harmful influence of the system that governs us.
You will find the right strategies to support your evolution, ultimately conquering your freedom.
Give yourself a chance: don’t adapt to circumstances that aren’t really you, rise above them and evolve into a New Human Being.
how it works
1-hour weekly remote meetings for 26 weeks
You will become able to develop your own strategies to excel in every situation and learn how to successfully confront obstacles, no matter the circumstances.
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